If you are a St. Louis CITY SC app user and would wish to delete your account, please follow the steps below in your St. Louis CITY SC app or please fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we will reach out to you to work through the deletion process.

Deleting your St. Louis CITY SC app account will result in the unrecoverable loss of app specific data, such as; badges, achievements, stored payments, receipts, founder date, etc.

Please note that the deleting a St. Louis CITY SC App account does not entirely delete your information/data from St. Louis CITY SC. If you'd like to delete all of your information/data, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we will work with you through that process.

Step 1

Open the CITY app and tap the Menu tab at the bottom of the app.

1 - (S) Delete Account - Home

Step 2

Tap the Settings button at the bottom of the Menu tab.

2 - (S) Delete Account - Settings

Step 3

Once in theĀ Settings menu, tap theĀ PROFILE button.

3 - (S) Delete Account - Settings Profile

Step 4

When on theĀ PROFILE screen in the CITY app, tap onĀ Delete Account.

4 - (S) Delete Account - Setting Screen

Step 5

You will be presented with a final prompt to delete your account or choose not to. Deleting your account will instantly log you out of the account and delete your CITY app account. As a reminder, app specific data tied to your CITY app account (badges, achievements, stored payments, receipts, founder date, etc.) will not be recoverable after deleting your account. You will need to recreate your account if you'd like to use the functions St. Louis CITY SC offers through the CITY app in the future.

5 - (S) Delete Account - Deletion Modal

St. Louis CITY SC Deletion Request

If you would like to delete your information/data from St. Louis CITY SC entirely or need help deleting your St. Louis CITY SC app account, please fill out the request form below and a representative from St. Louis CITY SC will reach out to your shortly on next steps.